
Orienta4VET meeting in Bremen

  • 27-05-2023

                                                                                                         Orienta4VET meeting in Bremen

On 27 April and 28, a new international meeting took place in Bremen (Germany) between the members of the UAB, University of Bucharest, Aarhus University, Leiria Polytechnic Institute, and University of Bremen, who participated in the European project Orienta4VET. The meeting, held at the Institut Technik und Bildung (ITB), in which Patricia Olmos and José Luís Muñoz participated on behalf of CRiEDO (UAB), served to share progress regarding the state of action guidance in the field of Vocational Training carried out in different territories. Likewise, these days, the planning of the following actions to be developed was completed. It is worth highlighting the realisation of an interactive guide for the implementation of tutorial actions in educational institutions.

The main purpose of the European project (Erasmus +) Orienta4VET is to improve access to Vocational Training as well as the permanence of students with the greatest difficulties.

More info here: web

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